Newly Published Book


This book delivers powerful messages from God through dreams and visions. The prophetic message is to help, prepare, encourage, and exhort people in perilous times. The author claims that every prophecy given by God has come true, and the next revelations will, too.

About the Author

Iris Nasreen

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About the Book


This book delivers powerful messages from God through dreams and visions. The prophetic message is to help, prepare, encourage, and exhort people in perilous times. The author claims that every prophecy given by God has come true, and the next revelations will, too.

The world is facing challenges, and the earth is expected to be shaken with birth pangs beginning in 2023, with global disorientation and economic distress. The accelerations will steadily continue its course, to scales that will stretch our endurance.

We are all deeply concerned about uncertainties in every area of our lives, our future, and our world. We are hearing all kinds of information from all facets of life, but what is God saying about it?

“Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.” Matthew 24:7-8.

As we draw near the End of Times, birth pains of natural disasters, plagues, wars, famines, earthquakes, evil, and darkness will increase in intensity, and in frequency on earth.

To save the world, a change in mindset is needed, and this book brings revelations from God to help bring that change. The author emphasizes the importance of God’s intervention and highlights His plans for this generation. The promise of God is that ‘everyone who calls on His name will be saved’.

When we cannot deny the tough reality of an End – GOD has a survival plan.


Other Books

The Lord's Voice Cries to the City: Micah 6:9

“…The author’s countless prophetic declarations and warnings which all came to pass over the years affirm the truthfulness of the word of God…”. Dr Akolo O.N Nigeria.

Prophecy 2023 is awaiting its fulfillment. Earth is about to be shaken in 2023, and acceleration of devastations will continue its course to an unbearable scale of endurance.

This book will also help the reader to understand:

  • Why God is an urgent need for survival.
  • Anyone without God will disintegrate without hope.

God is drawing mankind to come to Him for their protection and salvation. The End Times Prophetic message of God through dreams and visions about His judgments is an urgent call of repentance for the whole world. This book contains the warning and a revelation of global disasters which the whole world has already experienced, and will continue to experience with more severity in the future. No one will be able to survive without Him in these Last Days of human history. Many prophecies illustrated in this book came to pass already; which will bring an awareness of God’s control and power on all things.


What is necessary to save our world is a change of mindset. This book brings out the revelation as presented from the Heart of God to help this change of mind that the world desperately needs today. A heart filled message of the Father in Heaven embedded in this book is not only for unbelievers, but also for His sleeping Church to breathe in the Spirit of Revival in their midst. The urgent awareness of God’s intervention is greatly emphasized not from author’s viewpoint, but from the prospect of God’s will for this generation. When we cannot deny the tough reality of an End – GOD has a survival plan.

Book Reviews

This book is a masterpiece. In it is revealed the mystery, the power and the reason behind the ever-increasing calamities befalling the world today. The direct connection between natural disasters and God’s anger against man’s wickedness and sin is clearly seen and understood from the pages of the book. The author’s countless prophetic declarations and warnings which all came to pass over the years affirm the truthfulness of the word of God. The book is a wake-up call to the fallen man. Here is a window of opportunity to escape the judgment of God and have full assurance of everlasting peace. The moment of decision has come. He who has eyes to read let him read (and respond appropriately to) what the LORD is saying through HIS prophet. Thank you IRIS for being a vessel and a channel of blessing to many souls.
Dr Akolo O.N
I was very impressed with the author's description of her dreams related to God and how it applies to what is happening in the world today. Additional clarity of her message was provided by the numerous biblical verses she incorporated throughout each chapter. It is clear to me that she is a devout Godly woman who is feels very deeply for her religious convictions and desire to help others through her personal experiences and interpretations. A very well written book, indeed!
Kevin A.Crane
United States
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